We had our first backyard bonfire of 2011 tonight. Its amazing how relaxing and enjoyable a small fire, a couple hot dogs, and a bag of marshmallows can be. As I sat in the backyard with my family and two of our best friends, I had this extreme feeling of contentment and thankfullness pour over me. I look at a kids picnic table and I see Zion, huge smile...covered in ketchup and chocolate...and I feel truly blessed. I am sure most people see a child with so many struggles ahead of him...with so many obstacles that without a cure he will not be able to overcome...and so many opportunities that life did not afford him that it did to other kids. Me, I see a child who has made my life worth living...a child who finds happiness out of sitting on a diaper box all by himself...a child who shows off by "standing up" as he slides off the couch and his legs dangle before hitting the floor. I see Zion hunched over, with his back curved more than nature intended it to, feet hanging almost weightless as the grass tickles his toes...and I am overwhelmed with pride as my son sits at that picnic table and eats a hot dog and mac and cheese all by himself. I see a child who is so better off than hundreds of other SMA kids out there...and I say a thanksgiving prayer to my Heavenly Father for blessing me and my family with so much strength inside Zion's tiny little frame. I see so many children struggling with so many aspects of life that everyone else takes for granted and I am humbled and thankful that my son is able to sit on the Pamper's box on his own and can stand up on his own beside the couch. I think of the excitement other SMA families must feel when their beautiful child lifts his or her head on their own, or accomplishes any other amazing thing , and the tears begin to flow. I am so blessed and thankful and reverent. Other people may see some SMA children and feel pity or sorrow or sadness for the child and the parents...but I assure you this. When an SMA parent sees their child doing something that everyone else takes for granted or would view as nothing...the parent sees their hero moving mountains and changing lives in ways no other person on earth could ever do...even if the only person they are impacting in that moment is mommy or daddy. So when I sit at a backyard bonfire with my family and friends and I see my beautiful son sitting at that kids table it becomes more than just another weenie roast...it turns into a moment that I will never forget as I feel the true purpose for my life. Tonight was a great night, and I am so glad I was able to spend it with the people I did. Never take anything for granted...find joy in everything...and be thankful for all that God has blessed you with.
I love you Zion.
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